5 Minutes with... Kev Munday

  • Who/what are your inspirations for your paintings?

    I find most of my inspiration in the people and things around me. I do a lot of scribbling in sketchbooks to come up with ideas for characters, and refine / simplify them over time through redrawing them over and over again in my canvases. 


    What is your process in creating a painting?

    I typically approach a canvas without a preconceived idea of what I'm going to paint and just see what comes out. I start by sketching the outline with a light coloured marker pen and then colour using a combination of acrylic gouache and paint pens. I then add a bold outline with gloss black ink.


    Any fun/interesting facts about you?

    I've been working as a full time artist for 13 years. I have a lovely studio in the garden of the house I share with my wife and 2 house rabbits. When I'm not busy in the studio, I enjoy exploring the great outdoors in my campervan.


    Any exciting things coming up this year?

    I have a few mural projects lined up for the Spring / Summer, as well as some exhibitions in the UK and Europe in the coming months.

  • Kev Munday, Friendly Faces